A fun and provocative analysis. I've been writing about the risks in the human-driven CO2 surge since 1988 and have pressed the case for action all through my decades as a journalist. What Patrick left out (sadly) is the straightforward and simple approach I offer to defeating the climate complexity monster (not giving in to it): break the climate crisis into its component parts - the hazards and the vulnerabilities mainly. Then address them using what science has revealed not only about the climate system but about social and behavioral dynamics shaping what people do, or don't do, facing the identified risks. I lay out how to do this pretty well here: https://revkin.substack.com/p/how-to-defeat-the-climate-change
Vaclav doesn't do webcasts any more but I'd be happy to reach out to Bill M and run a Sustain What chat on our common areas and differences. And this challenge requires those differences. (As I've written, "response diversity" is the key to resilience.) If we were all Bill or Greta or Antonio Guterres or Christian Figueres or Bill Gates, we'd be screwed.